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Murchison Falls National Park


Are You Planning A Uganda Safari To Murchison Falls? Scroll Down..


Murchison Falls Park Introduction - Location, Wildlife & History

As the mighty Nile travels through Africa, it takes on many personas and names while nourishing the landscape with life-giving water that sustains flora, wildlife, and humans that live around it. Perhaps one of the most spectacular faces of the Nile in East Africa is the one it presents at Murchison Falls National Park (where to stay).

At the northern edge of the Albertine Rift Valley, where the Bunyoro slopes dip into massive savannahs, the Victoria Nile tumbles down through 80 kilometers (50 miles) of rapids and pours through a narrow 7-meter (23 feet) gap into the Devil’s Cauldron. The mist rising from the falls creates a breathtakingly beautiful rainbow floating in the sunshine. Even more striking than the view from below is the thundering viewpoint from the top of the falls, which can be done as part of your hiking trip in Uganda.

Murchison Falls National Park is part of the greater Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA), which encompasses various other woodlands and forests, such as the Budongo Forest Reserve, Karuma Falls Wildlife Reserve and Bugungu Wildlife Reserve. The wholesome wilderness of Murchison Falls received gazetted status in 1926 as a game reserve and in 1952 as a national park, and is not only the country’s first conservation area, but also covers the largest area at 3840 square kilometers (1483 square miles) as a park.

During your safari vacation in Uganda, you will learn about how indiscriminate poaching during the era of dictator Idi Amin decimated much of the wildlife. But the recovering numbers of recent times present a fine example of nature’s renewed resilience when offered some protection from human destruction. Today, it’s possible to see some 76 species of mammals and 451 varieties of birdlife in the region, along with a stunning array of plant and tree life, including acacia trees, Borassus palms, and riverside forests.

Key Takeaways

  • The first conservation area of Uganda having received the gazetted game reserve status in 1926 and park status in 1952
  • Covering a national park area of 3840 square kilometers (1483 square miles) showcasing 76 species of mammals, 451 types of birds, and a striking diversity of flora and landscapes
  • Victoria Nile River running over 80 kilometers of rapids before thundering through the Murchison Falls at Devil’s Cauldron
  • Running through the northern edge of the Albertine Rift Valley across the Bunyoro Escarpment
  • The park is part of the greater Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA) which includes Budongo Forest, Karuma Falls and Bugungu Wildlife Reserves

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Travel Guide Content - Start Here

1. What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Murchison Falls National Park?
What Are The Areas Of Interest In Murchison Falls National Park
2. Murchison Falls & Uhuru Falls - Uganda’s Mightiest
3. Safari Game Drives Along The Buligi Game Tracks
4. The Legendary Nile River
5. The Lake Albert Delta For Birdwatching Shoebill
6. Chimps - Primates & Biodiversity In The Kaniyo Pabidi Area Of Budongo Forest
7. Tourism Hub at Paraa
8. Rabongo Forest - Flora & Avian Experiences
9. Karuma Falls
Murchison Falls Park - An Overview

1. What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Murchison Falls National Park?

Key Takeaways

  • Sightings of animals that come to the river banks to drink including the aquatic wildlife of the Nile
  • Predators like lions, leopards, and hyenas also thrive here with opportunities for predator-prey interactions
  • The forest of Budongo hosts around 600 to 800 chimpanzees with the prime trek areas being Kaniyo Pabidi. Various other primates can be seen in the park including the rare patas monkey
  • A rich diversity of bird life, both semi-aquatic and terrestrial
  • Sightings of the grey-crowned crane which is the national bird of Uganda

Animals Of Murchison Falls Park - Big Cats - Predators, Grazers - Herbivores & Primates

If you tour the river by a boat cruise, you’ll have an opportunity to view pods of hippos half-submerged in the water and crocodiles basking in the warm sunshine. You can also spot other animals visiting the Victoria Nile River to drink, including elephants, buffalos, Rothschild’s giraffes, warthogs, Defassa waterbucks, Uganda kobs, oribis, Jackson’s hartebeests, grey duiker, and bushbucks. Keep your eyes peeled during Murchison Falls Park safari activities to spot some of the carnivores that inhabit this unique wilderness, such as lions, leopards, hyenas, and their prey, along with the rare patas monkey, which thrives in the savannah grasslands.

Currently, there are no zebras, wildebeests, rhinos, wild dogs and cheetahs present in Murchison Falls Park, and we recommend you extend out to Kidepo National Park in northern Uganda as it has plenty of zebras, and the occasional cheetahs and rare wild dogs for maximum wildlife viewing; We also recommend you visit Kenya and Tanzania on safari to view these missing wildlife as there are plenty of parks that have them, and in abundance. Should you take a trip to the Kaniyo Pabidi area of the Budongo Forest, you’ll be able to see the resident chimpanzees, which number around 600 to 800. Other beautiful primates living in the park include olive baboons, red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, and black and white colobus monkeys.

Beautiful Birds Of Murchison Falls Park

Birdwatchers on safari in Africa will be delighted by the incredible variety of feathered wonders that live in Uganda’s premier national park - Murchison Falls. Look for the African quail finch, speckle-fronted weaver, white-browed sparrow weaver, red-throated bee-eater, giant and malachite kingfishers, black-headed gonoleks, silver birds, blue-headed coucals, squacco herons, African jacanas, swamp flycatchers, Abyssinian ground hornbills, sandpipers, black-billed barbets, eastern grey plantain-eaters, weaver birds, Denham’s bustards, and rare shoebill storks. You might also spot grey-crowned cranes, which are famous as the national bird of Uganda.

After your birdwatching tour, add a visit to the local communities to your holiday itinerary and look forward to a fascinating introduction into traditional cultural lives of the Ugandan people.
What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Murchison Falls National Park

What Are The Areas Of Interest In Murchison Falls National Park?

2. Murchison Falls & Uhuru Falls - Uganda’s Mightiest

Key Takeaways

  • Opportunity to see two of the most spectacular falls in this region, Murchison and Uhuru
  • Transition point where the Nile transforms from a raging torrent into calmly flowing Albert Nile
  • Reveling in the views of the fabulous mist that spreads over a 50-meter radius (164 feet)
Murchison Falls is a transition point, where the raging waters of the Victoria Nile, after thundering over 80 kilometers (50 miles) of rapids, transform into the calm, lazily flowing Albert Nile. The waters gush powerfully through a compressed, 7-meter (23 feet) wide gorge and throw up a mist that spreads across a 50-meter (164 feet) radius. It creates a fabulous rainbow that dances over the falls – and presents a lovely scenic photo safari opportunity. Next to Murchison Falls is the tamer Uhuru Falls, which first came into being in 1962 when the river overflowed its banks and cut a new channel.
Murchison Falls & Uhuru Falls - Uganda’s Mightiest

3. Safari Game Drives Along The Buligi Game Tracks

Key Takeaways

  • Meeting point of the Victoria Nile and Lake Albert abounding with lush forests, savannah grasslands, and other vegetation
  • Buligi game drive tracks for sighting a diversity of wildlife
  • Game drives covering a distance of 120 to 170 kilometers
The northern region that borders the Victoria Nile from the Paraa region leading to Lake Albert is a superb game drive destination, boasting lush acacia forests, riverside vegetation, savannah grasslands, and various other trees and undergrowth. The Buligi game tracks cover a distance of between 120 and 170 kilometers (75 - 105 miles) and offer diverse views of the stunning wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park (best time to visit).
Safari Game Drives Along The Buligi Game Tracks

4. The Legendary Nile River

Key Takeaways

  • Boat tours to various species of wildlife that come to drink on the shores
  • Nature walks on the north and south banks
  • Fishing for the famous Nile perch and river rafting activities in Jinja
Explore the beauty of the legendary Nile, which has captivated visitors for centuries. Boat tours allow you to view the various species of mammals, birds, and reptiles that come to drink at the river shores, and hunt also, while nature walks on the north and south banks offer stunning vistas. Try your hand at fishing for the famous Nile perch, or consider adding whitewater rafting to your list of tour activities to do in the Jinja area.
The Legendary Nile River

5. The Lake Albert Delta For Birdwatching Shoebill

Key Takeaways

  • Scenic delta in the west of the park where the Nile River merges with Lake Albert
  • Area abounding with papyrus reeds and other flora
  • A magnet for aquatic avian life that thrives on the fish in the shallow swamps - best place to spot the prized shoebill catching the African lungfish
As the placid Victoria Nile merges with Lake Albert in the western sector of Murchison Falls National Park, it spreads out to create a fabulous delta that abounds with papyrus reeds and a striking variety of avian life. Birdwatchers on safari in Uganda should be on the lookout for great egrets, Goliath herons, African fish eagles, and the elusive shoebill stork.
The Lake Albert Delta For Birdwatching Shoebill

6. Chimps - Primates & Biodiversity In The Kaniyo Pabidi Area Of Budongo Forest

Key Takeaways

  • Located on the southwest of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area
  • Activities include chimpanzee and primate trekking safaris and birdwatching excursions
  • Sightings of various other primates and smaller mammals, both herbivores and predators
  • Nature walks to spot some of the 360 bird species, 289 butterfly varieties, 24 kinds of mammals, and 465 plant types
Kaniyo Pabidi is a lush, green woodland of Budongo Forest Reserve in the southwestern region of Murchison Falls National Park, famous for its 600 - 800 chimpanzee residents. The habituated families are used to the presence of humans, so you can spend time in their vicinity (at a safe distance) without provoking fear. In addition, you’ll be able to track down other primates such as blue monkeys, olive baboons, vervet monkeys, and black-and-white colobus monkeys, along with other mammals like elephants and buffalos, and also the predatory leopards, though elusive and rare.

Birdwatchers can try to spot some rare and endemic species, such as the Puvel's illadopsis, white-thighed hornbill, and chocolate-backed kingfisher. Guests in Uganda can go on primate trekking safari trips using the budget Budongo Eco Lodge as a base.

Budongo Forest also has about 360 bird species, along with 289 butterfly species, 24 types of mammals, and 465 plant varieties. Should you hike along the “Royal Mile,” you’ll enjoy an opportunity to view the numerous species of flora that thrive here. On request, your consultant at AfricanMecca Safaris can organize a nature trek for you at the Busingiro Ecotourism Site, which lies on the Masindi-Bugungu trail leading to Murchison Falls Park (view recommended trip).
Chimps - Primates & Biodiversity In The Kaniyo Pabidi Area Of Budongo Forest

7. Tourism Hub at Paraa

Key Takeaways

  • Taking its name from the term for “home of the hippo” in the Luo language
  • A base for most tourism activities in the region such as launch rides, nature walks, and game drives
  • Ferry connecting the north and south banks that hosts lodges and camps of Murchison Falls
Paraa is a local Luo term that translates to “the hippo’s home”. It’s a local hub and acts as a base for most of the tourism activities in the area, including all boat rides, nature walks along the Emmy River, and game drives. The passenger ferry connecting the northern and southern banks of the Nile is also located here. Safari vacationers will find lodges and camps on either side of the river, along with a tiny museum and souvenir store.
Tourism Hub at Paraa

8. Rabongo Forest - Flora & Avian Experiences

Key Takeaways

  • Covering an area of four square kilometers and surrounded by rolling grasslands in the fringes
  • Supplemental destination boasting of several spectacular bird species, also abounds with a diversity of plant varieties
  • Camping and picnics beside the Wairingo River
Surrounded by rolling savannah grasslands in the outskirts, Rabongo Forest covers a very small area of four square kilometers (1.5 square miles) and offers a distinct and complementing birding and flora destination in Murchison Falls National Park. Your tour guide assigned is likely to recommend a visit to this woodland for its various species of medicinal trees and plants, as well as the chance to camp or picnic beside the Wairingo River.
Rabongo Forest - Flora & Avian Experiences

9. Karuma Falls

Key Takeaways

  • Located at Chobe on the eastern region of the park
  • Waters rippling over a series of rocks taking on a white sudsy appearance
  • An ideal spot for sport fishing to catch the famous Nile perch - permit required
Karuma Falls are at Chobe, in the eastern region of Murchison Falls National Park, and ripple over a series of rocks carved into whimsical shapes by the water. As a result, the water takes on a white, sudsy appearance that’s fascinating to view. This area is perfect for sport fishing to snag the famous Nile perch. The only lodge we recommend you stay close to the area is Chobe Safari Lodge by Marasa Africa hotels chain.

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What Safari Attractions & Tour Activities To Experience During Your Murchison Falls Visit?

Key Takeaways

  • Boat safaris on the Victoria Nile River winding through the park - the main highlight and supports a rich diversity of terrestrial and avian life
  • The spectacular sight of the Murchison Falls from a height of 40 meters gushing through a 7-meter wide cleft and plunging into Devil’s Cauldron. Hiking to the top of the falls to watch the waters cascading into the cleft
  • Game drive safaris to sight the four of the Big Five of Africa - the lion, leopard, elephant, and Cape buffalo. Diverse land terrain supporting a stunning diversity of herbivores and predators interactions
  • Walking safaris along the river bank to spot hippos and crocodiles. Nature walks to spot some of the 451 bird species and different medicinal plants and other trees
  • Chimpanzee trekking safaris in the Kaniyo Pabidi Site of Budongo Forest
  • Excursions to the Lake Albert Delta for birdwatching safaris - perfect place to spot a shoebill in the low swampy areas of the delta
  • Sport fishing for the Nile perch, and cultural interactions with the local communities
Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s first park created and is one of the oldest conservation areas in East Africa. The park and the greater areas of MFCA covers an expanse of 5200 square kilometers (2007 square miles) and incorporates diverse landscapes including savannah grasslands, riverside forests, and copses of acacia trees and Borassus palms. As you will notice during your safari vacation in Uganda, the region’s main highlight is the legendary Nile River, which cuts through the reserve and nourishes the land with a continuous supply of water to keep it green. The river also supports a wide array of terrestrial, aquatic and avian life. Many species are making a comeback after the uncontrolled poaching during the dictatorship of Idi Amin.

The diverse terrain of Murchison Falls National Park supports about 76 species of mammals, including four of the Big Five of Africa - with the exception of wild rhinos. As you explore the reserve on game drive trips, you can spot predators such as lions, leopards, and hyenas, along with grazers and ungulates such as the buffalo, oribi, waterbuck, Jackson’s hartebeest, warthog, elephant, and various others. Enjoy a nature walk along the riverbank and you might see pods of hippos half-submerged in the shallows and camouflage crocodiles lounging about, on the lookout for an easy prey meal.
Murchison Falls Safari Activities & Tour Attractions
Part of the greater Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA) includes the Kaniyo Pabidi Site in the Budongo Forest and the adjoining Forest which welcomes safari guests in a distinct woodland wilderness to track down chimpanzees, which number around 600 to 800 in the area. You can also look for other primates such as the black and white colobus monkey, blue monkey, red-tailed monkey, and olive baboon. During your chimpanzee trekking safari in Uganda, you will be made all the more delightful with sightings of some of the 451 bird species that abound in the reserve. Your assigned AfricanMecca tour guide will also introduce you to the many medicinal plants and trees native to this area, along with other unique species endemic to the region.

The prime attraction of Murchison Falls National Park (best time to visit) is undoubtedly the Nile - Africa’s longest river. After tumbling over 80 kilometers (50 miles) of rapids, the river tears through Murchison Falls, a narrow cleft just 7 meters (23 feet) wide, before pouring into the Devil’s Cauldron. The force of the river is such that it sprays mist across a radius of 50 meters (164 feet). As you travel to the foot of the falls on your boat trip, you’ll be able to view the fabulous rainbow created by the mist, glistening in the bright sunshine. For a whole new facet of the falls, optionally hike to the top of the falls and watch as the waters begin their 40 meter (130 feet) cascade into the gorge.

After leaving the falls, the river transforms into a placid stream that goes west to join Lake Albert and east towards Chobe’s Karuma Falls. One of the excursions possible in Murchison Falls Park is a boat safari to the Lake Albert Delta created by the river here - perfect birding site to view the rare shoebill. As part of your safari holiday itinerary, you can also choose to go on a catch and release fishing excursion for the famous Nile perch or take a hot air balloon safari ride, where you will waft over the landscape for a bird’s-eye view of its natural beauty. Having interacted with the natural wonders of the park, complete your safari holiday in Uganda with a cultural tour visit to one of the local communities e.g. Banyoro tribe to develop an understanding of how traditional lifestyles have been deeply integrated with nature and her bounty.

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Our Top 8 Safari Activities In Murchison Falls - Things You Can Do & See

Activities Content - Start Here

1. Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Murchison Falls
2. Boat Safaris To View The Murchison Falls
3. Birdwatching Safaris On The Victoria Nile & Lake Albert Delta
4. Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Budongo Forest
5. Cultural & Community Tours Near Murchison Falls Park
6. Hiking To The Top Of Murchison Falls
7. Fishing In The Nile River
8. Hot Air Balloon Safari In Murchison Falls Park
Our Top 8 Safari Activities In Murchison Falls & Things You Can Do & See In Murchison Falls

1. Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Murchison Falls

Key Takeaways

  • Opportunity to explore both the northern and southern banks of the river on game drives - perfect for spotting the Big 4 of Africa
  • Savannah grasslands of the Buligi tracks extending to the delta where the Nile River meets Lake Albert in the west
  • Option of extending your game drive east towards the Chobe area of the park
The more than 5,000 square kilometers that make up Murchison Falls Park (where to stay) and its adjoining wildlife and forest reserves are home to about 76 species of mammals, many of which you’ll have the chance to spot on a game drive. These trips explore both the northern (primary area) and southern (secondary area) banks of the river. The popular northern banks feature sprawling savannah grasslands that reach to the delta in the west, where the Victoria Nile merges with Lake Albert. The Buligi tracks in this region are perfect for drives, during which your guide will help you spot herds of elephant, buffalo, giraffe, reedbuck, bushbuck, kob, oribi, duiker, and the hartebeest (or kongoni). Among the predators, you may catch a glimpse of lions lurking in the tall grasses, hyenas, or leopards on the trees with its kill.

The southern bank has the distinct “Honey Moon Track”, which offers viewings of the introduced herd of giraffes (brought in from the northern bank) and several other fauna. There is also opportunity for game drive towards the eastern Chobe section - 2 hours away; though, the habitat is more dense and wildlife are skittish due to the alternate Karuma tarmac road running through the northeastern section of the park with more human activities and settlements.
Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Murchison Falls

2. Boat Safaris To View The Murchison Falls

Key Takeaways

  • Launch rides to the foot of the Murchison Falls in the Fajao Gorge
  • Each cruise lasting for around 3 hours offering sightings of diverse wildlife coming to drink on the banks
  • Sundowner cruises to view the spell-binding sunset to the accompaniment of wine and cheese
Boat safaris on the Victoria Nile are one of the prime safari attractions of Murchison Falls National Park (view trip itinerary). Most launch rides start at the Paraa ferry base and take you along the river to the foot of the breathtaking Murchison Falls, in the Fajao Gorge. A typical cruise lasts about 3 hours and offers views of wildlife coming to drink on the river’s edge, along with pods of hippos yawning to warn off intruders and crocodiles sunning on the sands. Sunset cruises and walking to the top of the falls are other pleasurable safari activities that can be combined with your animal-viewing boat tour.

While the longer cruises take you to the foot of the Murchison Falls, you can also opt for shorter river cruises. These trips allow you to enjoy the striking orange-gold of the setting sun spreading on the crystal clear waters of the Nile, a truly memorable experience that’s enhanced by sundowner drinks of wine with cheese.
Boat Safaris To View The Murchison Falls

3. Birdwatching Safaris On The Victoria Nile & Lake Albert Delta

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse avian life thriving in the reserve including rare and common species
  • Game drives, forest nature walks, and boat ride excursions for spotting some of the birds
  • Wetland created where the western side of the river merges into Lake Albert - ideal spot to see the including the elusive shoebill stork
Murchison Falls National Park is well known for the diverse array of avian life it supports. You can view some of these species on game drives, forest nature walks, or boat ride excursions in the delta or on the way to the falls. Uniquely, the Victoria Nile Delta is the wetland created where the river merges with Lake Albert. Typically, boat cruise trips to explore this birdwatching haven in Africa are undertaken in the morning or afternoon, and can include breakfast or evening sunset drinks aboard the boat on request. As you cruise west along the river, you’ll enjoy superb views of mist off the water, papyrus reeds lining the banks, and an incredible variety of birdlife with the possibility of spotting the elusive shoebill stork. The area around the delta also has a walking trail during the low waters, which can be explored in two to four hours. This area is a well-known birding site in the western sector of Murchison Falls Park, and has several species that you will enjoy photographing.

Below is a list of some of the birds of Murchison Falls National Park

  • Abdim’s Stork
  • Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
  • African Darter
  • African Jacana
  • African Quailfinch
  • Bar-breasted Firefinch
  • Beautiful Sunbird
  • Black Crake
  • Black Scimitarbill
  • Black-billed Barbet
  • Black-billed Wood-dove
  • Black-faced Waxbill
  • Black-headed Batis
  • Black-headed Gondola
  • Black-headed Gonolek
  • Black-headed Lapwing
  • Black-headed Plover
  • Black-lored Babbler
  • Blue-headed Coucal
  • Blue-naped Moosebird
  • Chestnut-crowned Sparrow Weaver
  • Dark Chanting-goshawk
  • Denham’s Bustard
  • Double-toothed Barbet
  • Eastern Grey Plantain-eater
  • Fawn-breasted Waxbill
  • Giant Kingfisher
  • Goliath Heron
  • Grey-crowned Crane
  • Grey-headed Bush Shrike
  • Hugli’s Francolin
  • Long Tailed Nightjar
  • Long-toed Plover
  • Malachite Kingfisher
  • Martial Eagle
  • Northern Carmine Bee-eater
  • Northern Crombec
  • Osprey
  • Palm-nut Vulture
  • Pennant-winged Nightjar
  • Piapiac
  • Pied Kingfisher
  • Red-throated Bee-eater
  • Red-winged Grey Warbler
  • Rock Pratincole
  • Sacred Ibis
  • Saddle-billed Stork
  • Secretary Bird
  • Senegal Thick-knee
  • Shoebill
  • Silverbird
  • Speckle-fronted Weaver
  • Spotted Morning Thrush
  • Spotted Thick-knee
  • Spur-winger Geese
  • Squacco Heron
  • Standard-winged Nightjar
  • Sulphur-breasted Bush Shrike
  • Swallow-tailed Bee-eater
  • Swamp Flycatcher
  • Vaseline Masked Weaver
  • Veracious Dove
  • Whistling Cisticola
  • White-browed Sparrow Weaver
  • White-browed Sparrow-weaver
  • White-faced Whistling Duck
  • White-fronted Black Chat
  • White-rumped Seedeater
  • Yellow-billed Stork
  • Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
  • Yellow-throated Greenbul
Birdwatching Safaris On The Victoria Nile & Lake Albert Delta

4. Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Budongo Forest

Key Takeaways

  • A perfect destination for viewing chimpanzees habituated to the presence of humans
  • Opportunity to spend 60 minutes in their presence observing their activities
  • Treks permitted only for visitors aged 12 years and above, birdwatching excursions for younger vacationers
The Budongo Forest in the southwestern outskirts of Murchison Falls National Park is a unique primate safari destination in Africa for viewing wild chimpanzees in combination with Kibale National Park. About 600 to 800 individuals live here, and some in the Kaniyo Pabidi area are accustomed enough to the presence of humans that they’ll let you approach without running away. You can spend about 60 minutes in their presence, observing them as they forage for food, care for their young, or groom one another. These treks are permitted only for safari vacationers aged 15 years or more. For families on safari with younger children, birdwatching is another fun activity the region offers.

If you enjoy nature walks, forest trekking safaris, primates and birdlife, opt to explore other wilderness areas like the forests of Rabongo, where you can also view primates, mammals, birds, and an incredible array of plant life.
Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Budongo Forest

5. Cultural & Community Tours Near Murchison Falls Park

Key Takeaways

  • Visiting the Mubako Village that comprises of a collection of huts constructed with traditional materials
  • Participating in their traditional activities and learning their crafts. Taking part in the evening music and dance festivities, examing and learning to play instruments
  • Sustainable tourism shopping at the handicraft store run by the Boomu Women’s Group in support of the community
If you want to take a trip back in time into ancient Africa cultures, you only have to visit the Mubako Village in Murchison Falls National Park. Upon arriving in the village you’ll see a collection of huts constructed the traditional way, with a clearing in the center dominated by a large tree. This tree offers shade from the sun and is the perfect spot for villagers to gather around and cool off. Visit the village blacksmith, tour the farms, take a lesson in cooking a traditional dish, or learn how to weave a basket. As the sun slips toward the horizon, the village comes alive with animated music and lively dances performed around a campfire. The sound of the adungu – a music instrument made from cowhide and twine – lends an element of mystery and magic to the evening. You will no doubt be fascinated by the unique music a skilled musician can produce with it.

The village has a small handicraft store organized by the Boomu Women’s Group, where you can buy beautiful wooden items and woven artifacts made by hand. As your guide will advise you, the hot-dry climate around Murchison Falls National Park offers few means of livelihood, and the purchases you make as vacation souvenirs helps as part of sustainable tourism for the tribal community.
Cultural & Community Tours Near Murchison Falls Park

6. Hiking To The Top Of Murchison Falls

Key Takeaways

  • Hiking tours to the top of the falls to revel in the river’s beauty from different vantage points
  • Following the trail that follows the cascades through the cleft spanning an area of 7 meters
  • Exploring the smaller Uhuru Falls
Watching the powerful Victoria Nile flow into the narrow 7-meter cleft at Murchison Falls is a truly awe-inspiring natural spectacle in Uganda. Should you choose a Uganda hiking tour to the top of the falls, you’ll be able to revel in its beauty from various vantage points. Experience the vibration of the ground in response to the force of the water while feeling the mist on your face. It’s exhilarating to see the clear water furiously foaming white against the rock that hems it in as the mighty river drops 40 meter (130 feet) into the gorge. You can follow a trail that runs beside the chasm, alongside the falls to the bottom. Most hiking trips can be combined with launch rides, and you can use this opportunity to explore the adjacent smaller Uhuru Falls.
Hiking To The Top Of Murchison Falls

7. Fishing In The Nile River

Key Takeaways

  • Fishing to catch the legendary Nile perch known for its beauty and spirit along with catfish and other species
  • Fishing allowed in designated areas on a catch-and-release basis; permits, equipment, and assistance provided by the tour consultant at AfricanMecca
  • Largest fish caught known to have weighed 108 kg (238 lbs)
Go fishing on the Nile in Murchison Falls National Park to get the exciting African vacation thrill experience of snagging the legendary Nile perch, known for its strength and size. You can also try catching catfish and various other species that thrive in these deep blue waters. Fishing here is catch-and-release in designated spots, and you will have the assistance of a skipper guide on board the boat and all the equipment you need will be provided. The largest fish ever caught in these waters weighed a record-breaking 108 kilograms (238 pounds). AfricanMecca Safaris will procure the necessary permit for you with a prior request.
Fishing In The Nile River

8. Hot Air Balloon Safari In Murchison Falls Park

Key Takeaways

  • Excursions organized on the northern banks of the Nile River at sunrise or sunset
  • Opportunity to marvel at the falls from altitudes of 1,000 feet above sea level
  • Sunrise balloon tours offers guests a bush breakfast upon landing
Hot air balloon safari in Africa is a distinct and unique activity on offer at Murchison Falls National Park. The rides are organized from the northern bank of the Nile River and take place at sunrise and sunset, so you can marvel at the falls from high in the sky, at altitudes of 1,000 feet (305 meters) above sea level. According to the prevailing wind conditions on the day, the pilot will fly you over to get the views of the falls, the Nile River or Lake Albert; either way, you’ll get a spellbinding, bird’s-eye view of the magical landscape and a showcase of wildlife from atop. If you choose the sunrise balloon tour, you will also be served a hot bush breakfast upon landing.
Hot Air Balloon Safari In Murchison Falls Park

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Murchison Falls has varied accommodations, from the luxuries of Nile Safari Lodge and Baker's Lodge. The value lodge options are Murchison River, Paraa and Chobe Safari Lodges.

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Experience safari game drives in the Buligi game tracks area, boat safaris on the Victoria Nile to see the Murchison Falls and Lake Albert Delta, wild chimpanzee trekking safari in Budongo Forest and more.

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Like most locations in Africa, Murchison Falls National Park has two wet rainy seasons and two dry seasons. December to March, June & July is the best times to visit Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda.


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  • AfricanMecca Safaris offers incredibly knowledgeable and skilled services! Our travel arrangements for 2 months of volunteering with TEACH Rwanda in country were made quickly and economically. Honored to work with Raza!
    Janet Brown - TEACH Rwanda Founder - United States
  • I just returned from a month in Africa, specifically Rwanda & Kenya. I am left breathless with my experience. AfricanMecca Safaris coordinated the entire trip for me and left no detail, nothing for me to do.
    Carol Bobb - Pennsylvania, United States
  • AfricanMecca Safaris created a remarkable honeymoon tailored to our interests and desires. The quality of service and delivery of experience was unsurpassed. I highly recommend AfricanMecca Safaris to honeymooners, families, or any traveler.
    Noorin & Jason Nelson - Maryland, United States
  • I booked my safari holiday through AfricanMecca. They were the most helpful company I have ever dealt with and I work within the travel industry. I had the most amazing time. The holiday went as clockwork with no hitches anywhere.
    Shelley Roberts - Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom
  • This is to let you know my guests, The Bryant's, had a wonderful time on the trip Samburu, Masai Mara/Kenya, Chobe/Botswana & Victoria Falls/Zambia. Everything was perfect! Thank you.
    Christine Milan - MT Carmel Travel - Connecticut, United States
  • We have returned from our African adventure and would like to thank you very much for your part in making this such a wonderful experience. We were lucky enough to time the Great Migration from the Serengeti, which was amazing.
    Denise Paterson - Belmont, Australia
  • Rwanda was amazing. The accommodations, food, and guides AfricanMecca arranged were great. Raza also helped us through the complicated process of getting permits for gorilla trekking. AfricanMecca is a fantastic company to work with.
    Stephanie Weir - United States


When visiting Murchison Falls for your wildlife safari, we recommend combining it with Bwindi Park for your gorilla safari trek, Queen Elizabeth, and Kibale (chimpanzee safari) alongside your city tour visits of Kampala and Entebbe.

You may optionally extend out to other wilderness areas such as Mgahinga to track down golden monkeys and gorillas in the same park, Jinja for whitewater rafting on the Nile River, and Semliki, Lake Mburo or Kidepo for an offbeat wildlife tour.

You can end your vacation on the beach at Lake Victoria or even extending out to the exotic spice island of Zanzibar or Lamu, or even Mombasa.

Best Safari Planning Ideas & Trip Experiences For Uganda

Below are guide references on how to plan each of the below safari experience in Uganda. Alternatively, go to the summary section for a quick overview of each trip planning experience.

1. How To Plan Uganda Safari Trips? (Summary)

2. Wildlife Safari Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

3. Private & Tailor-Made Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

4. Honeymoon Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

5. Family Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

6. Luxury Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

7. Photo Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

8. Cultural Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

9. Gorilla, Chimpanzee & Primate Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

10. Hike, Trek & Bush Walk Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

11. Birding Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

12. Wedding Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda



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